Synthetic macro fibres
For efficient and cost-efficient reinforcement of ready-mix, precast or sprayed concrete, replace steel mesh with Durus synthetic macro fibres. The Durus product range includes polypropylene fibres tailored to specific FRC (Fibre Reinforced Concrete) end-uses.

Durus EasyFinish
Optimized speed of construction and improved durability of reinforced concrete surfaces: these are just two of the benefits which this synthetic macro fibre provides when used to replace steel-mesh reinforcement.

Durus EasyShot
Durus EasyShot is the result of our research into developing fibres that comply with the requirements of specific applications and end-uses. For shotcrete, this polypropylene fibre is proven to achieve a high degree of energy absorption at low fibre dosages.

Durus S500
Made of polypropylene Durus S500 has been proven to be a valid alternative to steel rebar in the manufacture of precast concrete elements. This reinforcement not only maximizes yield, but also contributes to improved workplace safety and a long service life of precast concrete.