Industrial Floors
Adfil Construction Fibres have developed a proven system of synthetic macro fibre reinforced concrete for use in internal areas, replacing the need for traditional steel mesh. As little as 2.5kg/m3 of DURUS EasyFInish can be used in a suitable grade of ready-mix concrete to ensure consistent and reliable performance for your project every time.

Durus Macro Fibre Concrete can be used in a wide variety of internal applications:
- General industrial flooring
- Workshops
- Agricultural buildings
- Domestic floors
- Warehouses
The benefits when compared to traditional steel mesh reinforcement construction:
- Ease of construction and reduced construction time
- The risk of reinforcement being placed incorrectly is eliminated as it is contained within the concrete.
- Eliminate significant Health & Safety hazards associated with handling, cutting and fixing steel mesh reinforcement.
- A significant reduction in embedded carbon (60-80%) when compared to steel mesh construction.
- It can provide an overall cost saving compared to traditional construction methods.
Durus Macro Fibre concrete can be placed using conventional techniques such as direct discharge, skip or pump. There are no special handling requirements. To ensure the optimum performance of the end product, best practice compaction, finishing and curing techniques should be observed. A curing membrane is strongly recommended to be applied to the concrete surface immediately after finishing to control moisture and ensure the concrete reaches its required design strength.